Prayer for Life

God and Father of Life,

 You have created every human person,

 And have opened the way for each to have eternal life

 We live in the shadow of death,

 Tens of millions of your children have been killed

 Due to the Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

 Father, have mercy on us.

 Heal our land

 And accept our offering of prayer and penance.

 In Your love for us,

 Turn back the scourge of abortion.

 May each of us with hearts full of hope,

 And with hands full of mercy,

 Work together to build a culture of life!

 We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen!

*Prayer lightly modified from a prayer promulgated

by Priests For Life, January 2009oly God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

We are happy to suggest these links for your convenience

EWTN Pro-Life Services 

USCCB Pro-Life Activities

Priests for Life

Diocese of Buffalo Office of Pro-Life Activities

WLOF 101.7 FM Buffalo Catholic Radio

Women’s Services of Chautauqua County

Catholic Marriage

    For information about
    Parish Advocates for Persons with Disabilities
    contact Sharon Urbaniak
    (716) 847-5514